CGI サポートフォーラム



投稿者:りいや さん  ( uid 26953, posts:5, since 2004/02/12 )
投稿日: 2004/02/21 (土) 16:47 No.445 | 編集 | 削除

記事No.444 へのコメントです。



# EXIT #003 (2001/06/12) : 2001 (C) Cynical :

# EXIT modified version
# Copyright (c) 2001 Masaya HORIKAWA <>
# $Id: exit.cgi,v 1.9 2001/08/09 14:33:13 masaya Exp $

BEGIN { use KCatch qw( source ); }

require './setup.cgi'; #
require './'; # jcodeへのパス
require './'; #

$in = &Decode ('euc');

if ($in->{'mode'} eq 'vew') { &vew; }
elsif ($in->{'mode'} eq 'text') { &text; }
elsif ($in->{'mode'} eq 'list') { &list; }
elsif ($in->{'mode'} eq 'menu') { &menu; }
else {&index;}

&jcode::convert( \$html, $charset, 'euc');
print $html;


##------------------------------------------->> 表示関係

sub index {

if ($in->{'subid'} ne '') {
$index = "$script?mode=vew&subid=$in->{'subid'}";

$html = <<_HTML_;
Content-type: text/html

<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=$lang">
<frameset cols="180,*" frameborder="0" border="0">
<frame src="$script?mode=menu" name="menu" noresize>
<frame src="" name="vew">

sub menu {


my ($tmp_catid, $tmp_subid, $catdata, $subdata);
my (%tmp_list, %tmp_sublist) = ();
my ($cat_max) = &LoadCategory;
$html .= "<img src=\"$imgdir/line2.$ext\" width=150 height=5><br>\n";

@tmp_cat = split (/\:/, $in->{'catid'});

foreach $tmp_catid (keys %category) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_catid);
$tmp_list{$catdata->{'group'}."_".$catdata->{'catname'}."_".$catid} = $tmp_catid;

foreach (sort keys %tmp_list) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_list{$_});
foreach $tmp (@tmp_cat) {
if ($tmp eq $catdata->{'catid'}) {
$temp = $in->{'catid'};
$temp =~ s/:$tmp:/:/g;
$temp =~ s/^$tmp://;
$temp =~ s/:$tmp$//;
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=menu&catid=$temp&\" target=\"menu\" class=\"menu\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_open\" border=0> $catdata->{'catname'}</a><br>\n";
my ($scat_max) = &LoadSubCategory;
foreach $tmp_subid (keys %subcategory) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_subid);
$tmp_sublist{$subdata->{'group'}."_".$subdata->{'subname'}."_".$tmp_subid} = $tmp_subid;
foreach (sort keys %tmp_sublist) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_sublist{$_});
if ($subdata->{'catid'} eq $tmp) {
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=vew&subid=$subdata->{'subid'}\" target=\"vew\" class=\"menusub\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> $subdata->{'subname'}</a><br>\n";
$html .= "<img src=\"$imgdir/line2.$ext\" width=150 height=5><br>\n";
if ($tmp_count == 0) {
$temp = $in->{'catid'};
$temp .= ":$catdata->{'catid'}";
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=menu&catid=$temp\" target=\"menu\" class=\"menu\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_close\" border=0> $catdata->{'catname'}</a><br>\n";
$html .= "<img src=\"$imgdir/line2.$ext\" width=150 height=5><br>\n";

$html .= <<_HTML_;
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$script?mode=text target="vew" class="menu"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> テキスト表示</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$script?mode=list target="vew" class="menu"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> リスト表示</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$script?mode=vew&cmd=newlist target="vew" class="menu"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> NEWLIST</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$info target="vew" class="menu"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> INFO</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$admscript class="menu" target="vew"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> 管理用</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<a href=$home target="_top" class="menu"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> HOME</a><br>
<div><img src="$imgdir/line2.$ext" width=150 height=5></div>
<form action="$script" method="post" target="vew">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="vew">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="search">
<input type="text" name="word" value="" style="width:150px;"><br>
<div align="center"><input type="image" src="$imgdir/search.$ext" border=0 width=80 height=21 alt="search!"></div>


sub vew {


if ($in->{'cmd'} eq 'newlist') {
} elsif ($in->{'cmd'} eq 'search') {
} else {
if ($in->{'subid'} ne '') {
} elsif ($in->{'id'} ne '') {

########## NEWLIST
sub NewList {

$html .= &PageHeader (NewData);
$html .= "...最新の $onepage 件を表\示しています...<br>\n";

$now = 0;

my ($tmp_id, $tmp);
local ($linkdata);

foreach $tmp_id (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %link) {
$linkdata = &GetLink($tmp_id);
if ($now <= $onepage) {

sub LinkSelect {

$html .= &PageHeader ("#$in->{'id'}");

local ($linkdata);
$linkdata = &GetLink($in->{'id'});


sub LinkView {

if ($in->{'page'} eq "") {
$page = 1;
} else {
$page = $in->{'page'};

$top = (($page-1) * $onepage)+1;
$end = $page * $onepage;

$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($in->{'subid'});

$html .= &PageHeader ($subdata->{'subname'});

my ($tmp_id, $tmp, @tmp_sub);
local ($linkdata);

if ($ntop==0) {
foreach $tmp_id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %link) {
$linkdata = &GetLink($tmp_id);
@tmp_sub = split (":", $linkdata->{'subid'});
foreach $tmp (@tmp_sub) {
if ($tmp eq $in->{'subid'}) {
if ($now >= $top && $now <= $end) {
} else {
foreach $tmp_id (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %link) {
$linkdata = &GetLink($tmp_id);
@tmp_sub = split (/\:/, $linkdata->{'subid'});
foreach $tmp (@tmp_sub) {
if ($tmp eq $in->{'subid'}) {
if ($now >= $top && $now <= $end) {

########## Search
sub LinkSearch {

if (!$in->{'word'}) { &error("ワードが入力されていません"); }

if ($in->{'page'} eq "") {
$page = 1;
} else {
$page = $in->{'page'};
$top = (($page-1) * $onepage)+1;
$end = $page * $onepage;

$html .= &PageHeader ("Search: $in->{'word'}");


my ($tmp_id, $tmp);
local ($linkdata);

foreach $tmp_id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %link) {
if (index($link{$tmp_id}, $in->{'word'}) == -1) { next; }
$linkdata = &GetLink($tmp_id);
if ($now >= $top && $now <= $end) {

if ($now==0) { $html .= "<br>該当するファイルはありませんでした<br>\n"; }


########## 検索前ページ / 検索次ページ表示部分
sub SearchGuide {
$html .= "<br>\n<table width=\"400\"; border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
$next = $page+1; $back = $page-1;
if ($back-1 >= 0) {
$html .= "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"$script?mode=vew$t&cmd=search&word=$in->{'word'}&page=$back\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$prev_image\"></a></td>\n";
if (($onepage * $page) < $now) {
$html .= "<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"$script?mode=vew$t&cmd=search&word=$in->{'word'}&page=$next\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$next_image\"></a></td>\n";
$html .= "</td></tr></table>\n";

########## 前ページ / 次ページ表示部分
sub PageGuide {
$html .= "<br>\n<table width=\"400\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
$next = $page+1; $back = $page-1;
if ($back-1 >= 0) {
$html .= "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"$script?mode=vew$t&subid=$in->{'subid'}&page=$back\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$prev_image\"></a></td>\n";
if (($onepage * $page) < $now) {
$html .= "<td align=\"right\"><a href=\"$script?mode=vew$t&subid=$in->{'subid'}&page=$next\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$next_image\"></a></td>\n";
$html .= "</td></tr></table>\n";

########## TEXT表示
sub text {

$html .= &PageHeader ("テキスト表示");

my ($tmp_catid, $tmp_subid, $tmp_id, $tmphtml, $catdata, $subdata, $linkdata, $line, $tmp);
my (%tmp_list, %tmp_sublist) = ();

foreach $tmp_catid (keys %category) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_catid);
$tmp_list{$catdata->{'group'}."_".$catdata->{'catname'}."_".$tmp_catid} = $tmp_catid;

foreach (sort keys %tmp_list) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_list{$_});
if ($in->{'catid'} eq $catdata->{'catid'}) {
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=text&\" class=\"menu\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_open\" border=0> $catdata->{'catname'}</a><br>\n<img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=3><br>\n";
foreach $tmp_subid (keys %subcategory) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_subid);
$tmp_sublist{$subdata->{'group'}."_".$subdata->{'subname'}."_".$tmp_subid} = $tmp_subid;
foreach (sort keys %tmp_sublist) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_sublist{$_});
if ($subdata->{'catid'} eq $in->{'catid'}) {
if ($subdata->{'subid'} eq $in->{'subid'}) {
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=text&catid=$subdata->{'catid'}&\" target=\"vew\" class=\"menusub\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_open\" border=0> $subdata->{'subname'}</a><br>\n<img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=5><br>\n";

foreach $tmp_id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %link) {
my $linkdata = &GetLink ($tmp_id);
@jb = split(/\:/, $linkdata->{'subid'});
foreach $tmp (@jb) {
if($tmp eq $subdata->{'subid'}) {
if ($linkdata->{'master'}) {
$master = ": <span class=\"listmaster\">MASTER:$linkdata->{'master'} $keisho</span>";
} else {
$master ='';
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=vew&id=$linkdata->{'id'}\" class=\"menucon\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> $linkdata->{'sitename'}</a>$master <br>\n";
$html .= "<a href=\"$linkdata->{'url'}\"$target class=\"menuurl\"> $linkdata->{'url'}</a><br>\n<img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=10><br>\n";
} else {
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=text&catid=$subdata->{'catid'}&subid=$subdata->{'subid'}\" target=\"vew\" class=\"menusub\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_close\" border=0> $subdata->{'subname'}</a><br>\n<img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=3><br>\n";
} else {
$html .= "<a href=\"$script?mode=text&catid=$catdata->{'catid'}&\" class=\"menu\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_close\" border=0> $catdata->{'catname'}</a><br>\n<img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=3><br>\n";

$html .= <<_HTML_;
<div><img src="$imgdir/line.$ext" width=400 height=5></div>
<span class="ss">□タイトルをクリックするとそのサイトの詳細が見られます.<br>


sub list {
open(LOAD,"$logfile") || &error("ログファイルが開けません...Line:".__LINE__,"head");
@box = <LOAD>;
if ($ntop==1) { @box = reverse @box; }

$html .= "<br><table width=400 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n<tr><td>\n";



foreach $tmp_catid (keys %category) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_catid);
$tmp_list{$catdata->{'group'}."_".$catdata->{'catname'}."_".$tmp_catid} = $tmp_catid;

foreach $tmp_subid (keys %subcategory) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_subid);
$tmp_sublist{$subdata->{'group'}."_".$subdata->{'subname'}."_".$tmp_subid} = $tmp_subid;

foreach $tmp_catid (sort keys %tmp_list) {
$catdata = &GetCategory ($tmp_list{$tmp_catid});

foreach (sort keys %tmp_sublist) {
$subdata = &GetSubCategory ($tmp_sublist{$_});
if ($catdata->{'catid'} != $subdata->{'catid'}) { next;}

foreach $line (@box) {
local($xno,$xjenre,$sitename,$master,$url,$com,$bn,$date,$xtime) = split(/\t/, $line);
@jb = split(":",$xjenre);
foreach $tmp (@jb) {
if($tmp eq $subdata->{'subid'}) { $f=1; }
if ($f==0) { next; }
$sitename = "<a href=\"$url\"$target class=\"listhost\"><img src=\"$imgdir/$dot_image\" border=0> $sitename</a>";
if ($master) { $master = ": <span class=\"listmaster\">MASTER:$master $keisho</span>";}
if ($time <= $xtime+(60*60*24*$newd)) { $new = "<img src=\"$imgdir/new.$ext\" width=25 height=9>"; }
push(@text,"$sitename $master <a href=\"$script?mode=vew&id=$xno\"><img src=\"$imgdir/data.$ext\" width=30 height=9 border=0></a>$new<!-- $date --><br><img src=\"$imgdir/dummy.png\" width=3 height=3><br>\n");
if (@text) {
$html .= "<div align=right class=\"header\"><b> $catdata->{'catname'}\/$subdata->{'subname'} </b></div>\n";
$html .= "@text";
$html .= "<br>\n";

$html .= "<br>\n<div><img src=\"$imgdir/line.$ext\" width=400 height=5></div>\n<span class=\"ss\">□タイトルをクリックするとサイトのURLにジャンプします.<br>□<img src=\"$imgdir/data.$ext\" width=30 height=9 border=0 align=middle>をクリックするとそのサイトの詳細が見られます.</span>\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n";

[ この記事にコメントを返信する ] [ 原文引用 ]


- TOP -

NICOLE's - WWWForum 3.7c  Modified by masaya
Catch: Tue Jun 11 04:26:33 2024
[] defined(%hash) is deprecated at lib/ line 679.
[] (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
[] defined(%hash) is deprecated at lib/ line 688.
[] (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)

/wwwforum/wwwforum.cgi?az=msg&id=11&number=445 with Perl 5.016003 for freebsd